Monday 3 December 2012

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos:
Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide


Skill Development Guide

Read our easy to follow Skill Development Guide to make this fearsome Night Beast a true terror on the battlefield.

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 1: Impalement lvl 1

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 2: Ancient Heritage lvl 1

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 3: Ancient Heritage lvl 2

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 4: Impalement lvl 2

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 5: Ancient Heritage lvl 3

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 6: Shadow lvl 1

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 7: Ancient Heritage lvl 4 (maxed)

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 8: Impalement lvl 3

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 9: Shadow lvl 2

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 10: Impalement lvl 4 (maxed)

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 11: Acidic Stream lvl 1

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 12: Shadow lvl 3 (maxed)

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 13: Acidic Stream lvl 2

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 14: Acidic Stream lvl 3

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Level 15 (maxed): Acidic Stream lvl 4 (maxed)

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Skill Combinations For PVP, Strategy

HOC Heroes Of Order And Chaos: Chameleon (Venom Beast) Kuirras Guide

Attacking Strategy I (level 5 & below)
  • Use Impalement to stun and close with the enemy Hero.
  • Use Ancient Heritage to boost attack speed.
  • Use Normal Attacks to finish enemy Hero.
Impalement > Ancient Heritage > Normal Attacks

Works well against players that are quick to retreat when they see you.

Attacking Strategy II (level 5 & below)
  • Use Ancient Heritage to boost attack speed.
  • Use Normal Attacks till enemy Hero's HP less than 1/2.
  • Use Impalement to stun enemy Hero.
  • Use Ancient Heritage to boost attack speed.
  • Use Normal Attacks to finish enemy Hero.
Ancient Heritage > Normal Attacks (till enemy Hero HP less than 1/2) > Impalement > Ancient Heritage > Normal Attacks

Works well against players that are eager for kills and are reluctant to retreat.

Attacking Strategy III (level 6 & above)
  • Use Impalement to stun and close with the enemy Hero.
  • Use Ancient Heritage to boost attack speed.
  • Use Normal Attacks to lower enemy Hero's HP to less than 1/2.
  • Use Shadow to become invisible.
  • Use Normal Attacks to finish enemy Hero.
Impalement > Ancient Heritage > Normal Attacks > Shadow > Normal Attacks

Good against unsuspecting players that don't know you're holding back Shadow for the later half of the fight.

Attacking Strategy IV (level 6 & above)
  • Use Impalement to stun and close with the enemy Hero.
  • Use Ancient Heritage to boost attack speed.
  • Use Shadow to become invisible.
  • Use Normal Attacks to finish enemy Hero.
Impalement > Ancient Heritage > Shadow > Normal Attacks

Works especially well against Inquisitors as they are likely to use Intensify immediately at the start of the fight. Also works well against Dark Elf Exile and other Heroes with stun abilities who are likely to use stun at the start of the fight.

Retreating Strategy
  • Cast Shadow to become invisible.
  • Cast Ancient Heritage to boost movement speed.

Recommended Items
  • Boots of Haste
  • Squire's Patience
  • Face Breaker
  • The Wings of Paradise
  • Jade Axe
  • Akhan Saber
  • Divinity Sword
  • Iron Claymore
  • Watcher's Whisper
  • Blessed Bracers
Boots of Haste are cheap and can be bought at the start of the match, the extra speed they provide will get you around the map faster and run down enemy Heroes.

Squire's Patience can be bought at the start of the match and gives a slight damage and HP boost that will give you a slight edge over enemy Heroes that don't buy items at the start.

Face Breakers will give you a damage boost.

The Wings of Paradise provide an attack speed boost which means even more damage.

Jade Axe is available as an upgrade to Face Breaker, it will help you pierce the enemy's defence so you can hit harder.

Akhan Saber will help you gain some HP every time you attack. It will help you stay out longer and need to return to the Life Well less often. It also gives you an advantage over other players without life steal attacks.

Divinity Sword is available as an upgrade to the Akhan Saber, it gives you more Life Steal than Akhan Saber and also provides a nice chance to stun the enemy. Combining the Stun from the Divinity Sword with the Attack Speed of The Wings of Paradise, you'll be stunning enemy Heroes very often giving you a large advantage in any fight as stunned enemies cannot heal, move or attack.

Iron Claymore will give you a large damage boost and combined with the attack speed of the Wings Of Paradise means you'll be doing lots of damage, fast.

Watcher's Whisper are available as an upgrade to the Wings Of Paradise, it gives an even faster attack speed and provides a chance of slowing the enemy.

Blessed Bracers are available as an upgrade to the Iron Claymore, it provides a slight damage increase and gives you some extra HP.

With this item combination of speed, damage boosts, life steal, stunning and slowing attacks, Kuirras will bring down enemy players in seconds. This item combination is also ideal against towers and hordes of enemy soldiers.

Item Purchase Strategy
  1. Buy 1 Boots of Haste before match starts.
  2. Buy 1 Squire's Patience before match starts.
  3. Buy 1 Face Breaker.
  4. Buy 1 Face Breaker.
  5. Buy 1 The Wings of Paradise.
  6. Upgrade 2 Face Breakers to 1 Jade Axe.
  7. Buy 1 Akhan Saber.
  8. Upgrade 1 Akhan Saber to Divinity Sword.
  9. Buy 1 Iron Claymore.
  10. Upgrade 1 The Wings of Paradise to Watcher's Whisper.
  11. Upgrade 1 Iron Claymore to Blessed Bracers.
We have found this strategy to be the most effective as it maintains a balance of attack speed, damage, life steal, stuns and slows while maximising the limited gold that is available.

At step 8, many Heroes will be able to solo Gjuha Of The Cold Team and have enough HP left to immediately go on the attack without heading back to the Life Well to heal. Killing Gjuha gives every player on your team 300 gold and gives you a HP, MP and Attack boost for 2 minutes.

"Do you use Kuirras? Is he one of your favourite Heroes? Let us know your experiences with him!" ~ Nick


  1. Have you considered building towards Life Steal and Attack Speed? I usually run:

    Night Blade at beginning of game
    Blackpool Scythe
    Reaper's Glove
    Savage Boots
    Blessed Bracers (strictly for higher damage at end game)

    Once I get Reaper's Glove it's usually lights out for the other team as long as they're not running a Goblin Scout. I can activate reaper's glove, impale into the middle of multiple heroes, activate my shadow so that I don't take any damage and go on a feeding frenzy. Once my shadow wears off I can usually finish them off and live to tell the tale thanks to my life steal.

    The only problem I run into while running that combo is when I hit heroes smart enough to pop any AOE they have while I'm in shadow. Molten Lord doing his spin attack is annoying but as long as I focus those heroes down first I usually don't have a problem.

    Feel free to criticize and give me pointers as I have probably only played around 20 PVP games though the majority of the time I end with top kills and very few deaths.

    1. Great comment Michael! Very detailed and definitely an effective strategy.

      I've created a post that include's your comment in the link below!

  2. I'd recommend getting venom spit after the second ancient heritage so you can keep the layers coming. Before i attack a hero I like starting with ancient heritage, wait a couple of seconds, come in with a stun, a few normals then venom spit. That way you have a couple of layers stacked up already and can use ancient heritage after 15 seconds once again to get even more layers!

    1. Nice tip ahsa! We've tried your strategy and it works well. =)

    2. ya venom spit is great agents little creeps

  3. no longer a noob11 March 2013 at 21:44

    Great guide! I just started playing and I always used to come last in my team and always used to lose. When I finally had enough to buy Kuirras I went to this guide and got the most kills and least death in the whole game! You really really helped me a lot. I love this guide and I love kuirras. Thanks a lot!

    1. Thanks for the compliment! We're happy you enjoyed the guide. Kuirras is one of our favourites too! =)

  4. Nick thank you very much for this guide.I really sterted to love chameleon!

  5. Thank you! I got Kuirras today and think I will use it for the rest of my life until I can get Lebmont :D Thanks for the recommended items and strategies to defeat Elf Exiles :D I only have the Inquisitors to test out ;D
