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Thank you for considering ice cream when the sky is grey as an advertising platform!

ice cream when the sky is grey is a new blog and has been growing steadily since our launch in October 2012. Our blog generates over 44,000 page views* per month from over 14,000 unique visitors*. Our readers include, fashion DIY-ers, nail polish and makeup lovers, iOS gamers and fitness enthusiasts.

If you have a product/service that you believe our readers will be interested in, we offer multiple ways for you to reach out to our readers.

If you would like to find out more, contact us at icecreamwhentheskyisgrey [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com.

Kindly note that all advertisement and sponsor links will be nofollow according to Google's guidelines.

*Statistics from Google Analytics from 18 February 2013 to 17 March 2013.